Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Master Builder

It should be a very active day for Sagittarius and Cancer sign people. The Moon (which rules Cancer) is in Sagittarius and making lots of connections to other planets today. Some of them are fortunate connections and some are more difficult in nature. It could go either way for you but expect to be busy. There are a hand full of signs that have had a particularly hard time of it the last month - Virgo, Pisces, Capricorn and Aquarius. The opposition of Saturn and Uranus has been affecting these signs. Some of you are being asked to really evaluate what makes you happy professionally and are being asked to give up some past comforts. Although this is stressful, you will come out of it better suited to your personality. It's never easy to move into new situations or ways of functioning but it seems the stressful situations that are pushing you out of your normal routine are going to be for your good in the end.

Chinese Astrology: Today's animal is the Female Metal Chicken. Chickens are very confident and can often come off as cocky. If you need to impress a potential employer or schedule a meeting with your boss to ask for a raise this a good influence to have. Use the Chicken energy today to impress.

Numerology: If you are signing a contract, launching a business or product or giving birth today, these elements will have a very special mark on them. Today's number is 22, the master builder number and the number associated with the most successful CEO's. 22's know how to structure and build. They also have impeccable social skills.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Open Minded

Today is about staying open to new ways of thinking and believing. We still have a Pisces Sun which is all about spirituality and the least discriminatory sign. Our Moon has just moved into Sagittarius, a sign of optimism, philosophical thinking and adventure. I typically find the mix of these two signs creates eye opening experiences. All you have to do is stay open minded and positive. I may even go as far as to say several of you could have life altering epiphanies in the next day or two. Aquarius would be the sign ruling sudden flashes of insight, and there are several planets still in Aquarius. The combination of signs and planets today is saying to have faith and hope. You just might end up with a new and better attitude by the middle of this week. Try something outside of your normal routine today. What is the first thing that comes to mind? Now go do it.

Chinese Astrology: It is very fitting to have the animal of the day be the monkey. Monkey's are clever, mischievous, they have a devil may care attitude and are party animals that crave fun, activity and stimulation. This is the perfect sign to get out of any ruts and switch up your routine. My only caution would be to use a little consideration in your choices today as monkeys tend to live in the moment and not always think about consequences. It's not that they mean to be foolish or hurt anyone, they just need to try everything.

Numerology: 3 is the number for the day. Another reason to get out and try something new. This is a very creative and social number. It's starting to sound as if there could be a lot of silliness going around. This is very good for those of you needing to spice up your daily routines. If you are in a creative field or need creative solutions this is your day. Get out and stimulate your mind. Like I said earlier go do something out of the norm today. Great ideas are waiting to come to you. Usually all it takes is fresh eyes and different experiences.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Passive or Active

The Moon is still in Libra, a very gentle sign, but will move to Scorpio late this afternoon. Between 2:40 and 4:20 it will be void of course so nothing important should be signed or initiated during those 2 hours. After 4:20 it will move into the sign of Scorpio, a very private yet magnetic and intense sign for the moon. Scorpio moons are natural detectives so I wouldn't be surprised if secrets are uncovered in the next two days. Especially since the Sun and Uranus are only one degree away form each other (sudden surprises). The Moon will form nice angles to Mercury, Mars and Pluto all day. This is especially good and a sign of stable emotions for Cancer, Arie, Scorpio, Virgo and Gemini.

Chinese Astrology: This is a day dominated by the fire element. Both the month and day animal have the female fire element. Between noon and 4pm (in all time zones) the hour animal will also have the fire element. All of the animals are quite feminine in character - Ox, Rabbit and Snake (day animal) - but are attached to an aggressive element - Fire. My guess is the activities will be subtle in nature today but tackled will aggression and innovation. Snake days tend to have a philosophical and social bent.

Numerology: Today's number is 9. This is the number of passing from one phase to another, a graduation. Even if there is nothing that you are letting go of, 9 days just have that feel to them. As if you need to celebrate for something new around the corner or be sad and feel like something is slipping away. You chose how you want to deal. I prefer the celebrations. See you out on the town tonight.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Unexpected

With the Sun and Uranus in exact alignment today, a once a year occurrence, we can expect some surprises in the least. The Sun rules ego, vitality and enterprise and Uranus rules technology, humanities, sudden genius as well as the unconventional. If shocking things happen today consider yourself warned. If you were born between the 10th and 14th of any month you are most likely to feel the effects of this. I want to say if you are a Cancer or Scorpio not to worry to much as it seems anything unexpected will probably be positive. Virgo, Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius will most likely see the biggest surprises (of the ones born around the 10 - 14th of their month) but I'm not sure as to weather these would be welcome surprises. It would depend on the birth charts of each person. There is one other strong aspect happening today which is the opposition of Venus and the Moon. These are both creative and feminine planets so the result of this opposition may not be super dramatic. I would call this more subtle in nature. If you were born around April, October, July or January 5th you could be in line of fire for this aspect. Some of the issues could be around jealousies or manipulations within the arts or something having to do with nurturing. There are still a lot of planets in Aquarius which means a lot of technology or humanities in the air.

Chinese Astrology: Today's animal is the Male Fire Dragon. I would call this one of the most dynamic, active and dramatic animal combinations of all. Dragons are magical and fortunate. This will make whatever surprises that come up today even more thrilling to watch unfold. I would love to hear stories from any readers tomorrow. The news will be very interesting to watch tonight or this weekend, depending on how fast things are made public.

Numerology: The number 8 for the day is a very fortunate sign. It is the sign of abundance and vision. A real power number! This is not one that likes to deal in details but rather long range plans and vision. This makes me suspect even grander surprises for the day. Possible fortunes made or lost and some of the most genius strategies could be born today. With the Dragon, number 8 and the Sun/Uranus meeting, anything is possible!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


After a Full Moon yesterday I think most people will be feeling a little more at ease in comparison. First off, there is a void of course moon this morning until noon. It would be a good day to take an early lunch. This afternoon the moon will move into Libra. I may be a little biased because my birth moon is in Libra, but Libra moon days seem to be peaceful and pleasurable. Libra rules balance, relationships, arts and beauty.

Chinese Astrology: Today's animal is the Rabbit. This is another peaceful influence. Rabbits tend to avoid conflict at all costs and are very home loving.

Numerology: 7 is the number today. This is an introverted influence so I see people diving into research and keeping to themselves a bit.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Virgo Full Moon, 6:38pm

Tonight is the full moon, a really tumultuous one! The moon is going to be sharing the same degree as Saturn, the planted that shows us our limitations, as well as making a stressful connection to Uranus, the planet of sudden surprise or inspiration. It should be interesting to see what comes up today. Full moon's usually bring something to an end that is no longer useful to us.

Virgo - You will personally be affected. Especially if you were born around September 13th.
Libra - If you have anything to do with retreats or institutions you may hear related news.
Scorpio - You may have some friends with issues or decide to join or leave a group or cause.
Sagittarius - You could hear some career news today.
Capricorn - Possible stress related to University, teaching or religion.
Aquarius - Double check your taxes. If you have any stocks you may hear news today.
Pisces - You could have some relationship or partnership issues.
Aries - Work may get the better of you today. Eat healthy
Taurus - Issues with kids could come up. Or a leisure activity planned or canceled.
Gemini - You could see some changes in your home.
Cancer - A sudden road trip could come up or you may have issues with a sibling or neighbors.
Leo - Your income or something else valued could be affected.

If you were born late in your sign read for the sign after yours. Also read for your ascendant sign if you know it.

I would like to think that some of you will hear good news but I have a feeling things will be stressful for the majority. If you have healthy circumstances in the house the full moon is affecting, you shouldn't have any major problems. I still see possible stressful issues because of Saturn and Uranus's opposition.

Chinese Astrology: Today we have the Tiger ruling the day. Tigers are leaders and very courageous. It will add some energy and determination for people to lean on during a particularly volatile full moon.

Numerology: 6 is the number of the day. This will help as it is a very steadying influence during this hard full moon.

Monday, March 9, 2009


There are an abundance of planets in opposition to each other right now. I would advise a mindset of flexibility in order to stay calm (especially if you are a Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces or Aquarius). If you are one of the signs just mentioned and are willing to compromise you may see progress faster than others. Cancer and Virgo may be feeling a little tired today as the the full moon is just around the corner- tomorrow. It is my belief that Cancer is always affected by the full moon since it is the natural ruler. Also, the sign the moon is in when it is full is always very affected. This time it will be Virgo. I would suggest a little R&R for these two if possible, as tomorrow will be intense.

Chinese Astrology: Today the animal is the Ox. We have a double dose as the the year animal is also the Ox. Ox is a very solid, steady and determined animal. They are one of the workaholics of the zodiac. Both are in the female element though, which is passive. The month animal is the Rabbit, a very peace loving calm creature. I would expect with this combination of animals (especially from 2pm- 4pm) people will probably want to keep to themselves to get their work done. A lot can be accomplished but more in the realm of work already on the table. I don't see a lot of initiative happening to create new deals or projects.

Numerology: The number for today is 5. This will add a certain need for movement or change today. You may want to try working from home or a different place than normal. A coffee shop or the library. A change of scene would be helpful.